Jérôme Decoster

Jérôme Decoster

3x AWS Certified - Architect, Developer, Cloud Practionner

24 Feb 2020

Step Functions + Rekognition

The goal : this project uses Rekognition to create a face collection and look for similar faces. It also uses Step Functions to orchestrate all the lambdas functions.






    Install and setup the project

    Get the code from this github repository :

    # download the code
    $ git clone \
        --depth 1 \
        https://github.com/jeromedecoster/step-functions-rekognition.git \
    # cd
    $ cd /tmp/aws

    Exploring the project

    Let’s look at some parts of the source code.

    If we look the Makefile, we need 3 actions to deploy and test the project :

    init: # terraform init + download sharp lambda layer
    	terraform init
    	if [ ! -f "./layers/$(ZIP)" ] ; then \
    		mkdir --parents layers ; \
    		cd layers ; \
    		curl --location \
            	"https://github.com/jeromedecoster/sharp-lambda-layer/releases/download/v0.24.1/sharp-0.24.1-for-node-12.zip" \
    			--output $(ZIP) ; \
    apply: # terraform plan then apply with auto approve + create rekognition collection
    	terraform plan -out=terraform.plan
    	terraform apply -auto-approve terraform.plan
    alice: # upload all alice images
    	./upload.sh alice1.jpg alice2.jpg alice3.jpg # ...

    So :

    # terraform init + download sharp lambda layer
    $ make init
    # terraform plan then apply with auto approve + create rekognition collection
    $ make apply
    # upload all alice images
    $ make alice

    In the state-machine.tf and state-machine.json files we :

    • Use the Terraform template_file to inject data in the JSON workflow.
    data template_file state_machine {
      template = file("${path.module}/state-machine.json")
      vars = {
        detect_faces_function_arn      = var.detect_faces_function_arn
        no_face_detected_function_arn  = var.no_face_detected_function_arn
        add_to_collection_function_arn = var.add_to_collection_function_arn
        thumbnail_function_arn = var.thumbnail_function_arn
    • The JSON workflow :
        "Comment": "Step Functions Rekognition processing workflow",
        "StartAt": "DetectFaces",
        "States": {
            "DetectFaces": {
                "Type": "Task",
                "Resource": "${detect_faces_function_arn}",
                "ResultPath": "$.ResultDetectFaces",
                "Next": "AddToCollection",
                "Catch": [
                        "ErrorEquals": [
                        "ResultPath": "$.Throw",
                        "Next": "ErrorDetected"
            "ErrorDetected": {
                "Type": "Task",
                "Resource": "${no_face_detected_function_arn}",
                "End": true
            "AddToCollection": {
                "Type": "Task",
                "Resource": "${add_to_collection_function_arn}",
                "ResultPath": "$.ResultAddToCollection",
                "Next": "Thumbnail"
            "Thumbnail": {
                "Type": "Task",
                "Resource": "${thumbnail_function_arn}",
                "ResultPath": "$.ResultThumbnail",
                "End": true

    In the detect-faces.js Lambda file we :

    • We detect the presence of faces with Rekognition.
    • We save the returned datas into DynamoDB and S3 because each use of Rekognition is chargeable.
    • We filter the results and we possibly raise errors.
    let result = await detectFaces(event.Bucket, event.Key)
    await saveToDynamoDB(event.Etag, event.Basename, result)
    await saveToS3(event.Bucket, event.Noextname, result)
    if (result.FaceDetails.length == 0) {
        throw new NoFaceError(`No face detected in the image ${event.Key}`)
    // ignore babies, little children and low quality faces
    let filtered = result.FaceDetails.filter(face => {
        return face.AgeRange.Low >= 10
            && face.Quality.Brightness >= 40
            && face.Quality.Sharpness >= 40
    if (filtered.length == 0) {
        if (result.FaceDetails.length == 1) {
            throw new FaceRequirementError('The face detected does not meet the requirements')
        } else {
            throw new FaceRequirementError(`None of the ${result.FaceDetails.length} faces detected meet the requirements`)
    async function detectFaces(bucket, key) {
        return rekognition
                Image: {
                    S3Object: {
                        Bucket: bucket,
                        Name: key
                Attributes: ['ALL']
    // ...

    In the add-to-collection.js Lambda file we :

    • Use the IndexFaces action to add the faces to our collection.
    • We need to call the DeleteFaces action to remove the excluded faces.
    for (let face of result.FaceRecords) {
        if (face.FaceDetail.AgeRange.Low >= 10
            && face.FaceDetail.Quality.Brightness >= 40
            && face.FaceDetail.Quality.Sharpness >= 40) {
        } else {
    if (excluded.length > 0) {
        let deleted = await deleteFaces(excluded)
    // ...
    async function deleteFaces(faceIds) {
        return rekognition
                CollectionId: process.env.REKOGNITION_COLLECTION_ID,
                FaceIds: faceIds

    In the thumbnail.js Lambda file we :

    • We use to create a thumbnail of the face.
    • We use Sharp instead of ImageMagick because Sharp is really fast.
    • Infortunately Sharp is very heavy (more than 30 MB). So we use it via a Lambda layer
    return Promise.all(faces.map(async face => {
      return {
        Buffer: await extractImage(raw, face.BoundingBox),
        FaceId: face.FaceId
    // ...
    function extractImage(buffer, boundingBox) {
      let image = sharp(buffer)
      return image
        .then(metadata => {
          return image
              left: Math.round(boundingBox.Left * metadata.width),
              top: Math.round(boundingBox.Top * metadata.height),
              width: Math.round(boundingBox.Width * metadata.width),
              height: Math.round(boundingBox.Height * metadata.height)
              quality: 90

    Run the project

    When all the images have been uploaded, we can recover the generated data via the get-datas.sh script :

    • Please note that the git project already contains all the generated data to explore and analyze the rekognition results for free.
    log 'download' "files from $BUCKET/detect-faces"
    aws s3 cp --recursive s3://$BUCKET/detect-faces/ ./datas/detect-faces
    log 'download' "files from $BUCKET/index-faces"
    aws s3 cp --recursive s3://$BUCKET/index-faces/ ./datas/index-faces
    log 'download' "files from $BUCKET/keep-faces"
    aws s3 cp --recursive s3://$BUCKET/keep-faces/ ./datas/keep-faces
    log 'download' "files from $BUCKET/thumbnails"
    aws s3 cp --recursive s3://$BUCKET/thumbnails/ ./datas/thumbnails

    Then we can call the search.sh script to find similar faces :

    jq '.[].FaceId' --raw-output "datas/keep-faces/$NOEXTNAME.json" | while read id; do
        # skip search-faces if already done (save money)
        if [[ ! -f "searchs/$NOEXTNAME/$id.json" ]]; then
            aws rekognition search-faces \
                --region $REGION \
                --collection-id $PROJECT_NAME \
                --face-id $id \
                > searchs/$NOEXTNAME/$id.json
        # ...

    So :

    # download all generated data
    $ ./get-datas.sh
    # search all faces similar to `alice1`
    $ ./search.sh alice1.jpg

    Note that if you run this script on a Linux OS, you will see a preview of the images directly in the terminal :


    And we get these results for the image alice1.jpg :


    • The face in alice1.jpg is 99.66595458984375 % similar with this face :


    • The face in alice1.jpg is 99.60346221923828 % similar with this face :


    • The face in alice1.jpg is 99.33497619628906 % similar with this face :


    • The face in alice1.jpg is 98.80915832519531 % similar with this face :


    • The face in alice1.jpg is 98.9106674194336 % similar with this face :


    • The face in alice1.jpg is 96.93378448486328 % similar with this face :
