Jérôme Decoster

Jérôme Decoster

3x AWS Certified - Architect, Developer, Cloud Practionner

08 Dec 2019

Docker + Imagemagick

The Goal
Playing with docker and imagemagick to convert an color image from to black and white version.

    Create a local imagemagick image from alpine

    To create a local imagemagick image from alpine we need to :

    1. Download the latest alpine image with pull.
    2. Start an interactive container with run.
    3. Install imagemagick with apk then quit the container.
    4. Create a new image from the changed container with commit.
    # download the lastest `alpine` image
    $ docker pull alpine
    # start an interactive container named `temp`
    $ docker run --interactive --tty --name temp alpine
    # install `imagemagick`, clear the cache then quit
    / $ apk --update add imagemagick
    / $ rm --recursive --force /var/cache/apk/*
    / $ exit
    # create the `imagemagick` image
    $ docker commit temp imagemagick

    We can list our 2 images :

    $ docker images
    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    imagemagick         latest              b4e64a05b218        5 seconds ago       99.9MB
    alpine              latest              965ea09ff2eb        5 weeks ago         5.55MB

    It can be noted that the addition of imagemagick has increased the weight of more than 90 MB !

    Convert an image to black and white with imagemagick

    To play around black and white image we will :

    1. Download an image.
    2. Start an interactive container with the volume option.
    3. Use imagemagick to convert the colorspace to Gray.
    4. Try different ways to get a pixel color value.
    5. Take a look at ITU-R BT 709 and ITU-R BT 601 formats.
    6. Convert the image into another colorspace and compare the result.

    Let’s get a frog.jpg image from a git repository :

    # download an image hosted in a github repository
    $ git clone \
        --depth 1 \
        https://github.com/jeromedecoster/black-white-docker-imagemagick.git \
    # the image is here
    $ ls /tmp/bw


    We launch the container with the --rm option to automatically remove the container when it exits.

    We convert the image to a black and white using -colorspace Gray.

    #  start an interactive container
    $ docker run \
        --interactive \
        --tty \
        --rm \
        --volume /tmp/bw:/tmp \
    # convert to `Gray`
    / $ convert /tmp/frog.jpg \
        -colorspace Gray \


    To get the color value of the first pixel (x:0, y:0) we use the following syntax :

    # the colored version
    / $ convert /tmp/frog.jpg[1x1+0+0] txt: \
        | sed 's/ /\n/g' \
        | tail -n 1
    # the back and white version
    / $ convert /tmp/frog-gray.png[1x1+0+0] txt: \
        | sed 's/ /\n/g' \
        | tail -n 1

    To get the color as RGB value we use the -format syntax :

    # the colored version
    / $ convert /tmp/frog.jpg[1x1+0+0] \
        -format "%[fx:int(255*r)],%[fx:int(255*g)],%[fx:int(255*b)]" info:
    # the back and white version
    / $ convert /tmp/frog-gray.png[1x1+0+0] \
        -format "%[fx:int(255*r)],%[fx:int(255*g)],%[fx:int(255*b)]" info:

    As described in the -colorspace documentation, the conversion to Gray is calculated using this formula :

    Gray = 0,212656 * R + 0,715158 * G + 0,072186 * B

    This is the Rec 709 Luma coefficients.

    The RGB values of the first pixel are (Red:194, Green:202, Blue:103).

    Let’s compute the Gray value :

    Gray value = 0,212656 * Red + 0,715158 * Green + 0,072186 * Blue
               = 0,212656 * 194 + 0,715158 * 202   + 0,072186 * 103
               = 41,255264      + 144,461916       + 7,435158
               = 193,152338
               # rounded value
               = 193

    Ok, we found the (Gray:193) value. This confirm that -colorspace Gray is equal to -grayscale Rec709luma.

    Let’s try another color conversion with the Rec 601 format.

    Imagemagick indicate the Rec601Luma formula :

    Gray = 0,298839 * R + 0,586811 * G + 0,114350 * B

    Let’s compute the Gray value with this formula :

    Gray value = 0,298839 * Red + 0,586811 * Green + 0,114350 * Blue
               = 0,298839 * 194 + 0,586811 * 202   + 0,114350 * 103
               = 57,974766      + 118,535822       + 11,77805
               = 188,288638
               # rounded value
               = 188

    Now we found the (Gray:188) value.

    Let’s try to see if we can confirm it with imagemagick :

    # convert to `Rec601Luma`
    / $ convert /tmp/frog.jpg \
        -grayscale Rec601Luma \

    The converted image is visually very close :


    Now we get the Gray value of the first pixel :

    # get the first pixel value
    / $ convert /tmp/frog-601.png[1x1+0+0] txt: \
        | sed 's/ /\n/g' \
        | tail -n 1

    It’s confirmed !

    We can compare the 2 images using compare with the -lowlight-color and -highlight-color options :

    # compare the 2 images
    / $ compare /tmp/frog-gray.png \
        /tmp/frog-601.png \
        -lowlight-color black \
        -highlight-color white \

    The white pixels indicates the changed colors :
