Jérôme Decoster

Jérôme Decoster

3x AWS Certified - Architect, Developer, Cloud Practionner

04 Feb 2020

Terraform + ImageMagick + Lambda + invoke

The Goal
Convert an image stored in S3 using ImageMagick and Lambda. We will invoke the Lambda function directly from CLI.


    Install and setup the project

    Get the code from this github repository :

    # download the code
    $ git clone \
        --depth 1 \
        https://github.com/jeromedecoster/black-white-terraform-imagemagick-lambda-invoke.git \
    # cd and setup
    $ cd /tmp/bw && make init

    The Lambda Layer

    Using ImageMagick from a Lambda Layer is the most complex part of this project.

    Because you can’t just download the static version of ImageMagick and use it :


    It will throw an error :

    • AppImage is used to pack the static version. But there is a problem with FUSE.
    # the error thrown by Lambda when executing `magick`
    lopen(): error loading libfuse.so.2
        AppImages require FUSE to run.
        You might still be able to extract the contents of this AppImage

    To resolve this problem, you must create ImageMagick from the source code, adding the libraries of your choice, in an environment similar to Lambda.

    This project does exactly that. We will therefore use a release already made.

    The init script download the release :

    # imagemagick lambda layer
    if [[ ! -f "./layers/imagemagick-7.0.9-20.zip" ]]; then
        cd "./layers"
        curl --location \
            --remote-name \

    Let’s put the project online

    To put the project online just run the following command :

    # terraform the project
    $ make apply

    The apply script simply runs terraform :

    $ terraform plan -out=terraform.plan
    $ terraform apply -auto-approve terraform.plan

    The s3.tf script will :

    # ...
    resource aws_s3_bucket bucket {
      bucket = "${var.project_name}-${random_id.random.hex}"
      acl    = "private"
      force_destroy = true
    resource aws_s3_bucket_object squirrel {
      bucket = aws_s3_bucket.bucket.id
      source = local.squirrel_source
      key    = local.squirrel_key
    resource aws_lambda_layer_version imagemagick_layer {
      layer_name = "imagemagick"
      s3_bucket = aws_s3_bucket.bucket.id
      s3_key = aws_s3_bucket_object.imagemagick.id
      compatible_runtimes = ["nodejs12.x"]

    The lambda.tf script will :

    # ...
    data archive_file convert_zip {
      type        = "zip"
      source_file = local.convert_source
      output_path = local.convert_output
    resource aws_lambda_function convert_function {
      filename         = data.archive_file.convert_zip.output_path
      source_code_hash = filebase64sha256(data.archive_file.convert_zip.output_path)
      function_name = "${var.project_name}-${random_id.random.hex}"
      role          = aws_iam_role.lambda_role.arn
      handler       = "convert.handler"
      runtime       = "nodejs12.x"
      layers = [aws_lambda_layer_version.imagemagick_layer.arn]

    The config.tf script includes a little trick :

    • Use a null_resource to execute a local-exec.
    • This command write some variables inside a settings.sh file. Each duplicate line is remove with an awk script.
    • The argument triggers is used with the join function to minimize the number of writes.
    resource null_resource settings_sh {
      triggers = {
        #everytime = uuid()
        rarely = join("-", [
      provisioner local-exec {
        command = <<EOF
    echo 'AWS_REGION=${local.aws_region}
    FUNCTION=${aws_lambda_function.convert_function.function_name}' >> ../settings.sh;
    awk --include inplace '!a[$0]++' ../settings.sh

    The Lambda function is fairly straightforward :

    exports.handler = async (event) => {
      let record = event.Records[0]
      let rand = Math.random().toString(32).substr(2)
      let basename = path.basename(record.s3.object.key)
      let data = {
        region: record.awsRegion,
        bucket: record.s3.bucket.name,
        key: record.s3.object.key,
        input: `/tmp/${rand}`,
        output: `/tmp/gray-${rand}`,
        converted: `converted/${basename}`
      try {
        await getObjectToTmp(data)
        await exec(`/opt/bin/convert ${data.input} -colorspace Gray ${data.output}`)
        await putGrayObject(data)
        return {
          statusCode: 200,
          body: `https://${data.bucket}.s3.${data.region}.amazonaws.com/${data.converted}`,
      } catch (err) {
        throw new Error(err)
    // get an object from S3 and write it to /tmp
    async function getObjectToTmp(data) {
      let result = await s3
          Bucket: data.bucket,
          Key: data.key
      return fsp.writeFile(data.input, result.Body)
    // put an object from /tmp to S3
    async function putGrayObject(data) {
      let body = await fsp.readFile(data.output)
      return s3
          Body: body,
          Bucket: data.bucket,
          Key: data.converted,
          ACL: 'public-read',
          ContentType: 'image/jpeg'

    Test the Lambda with invoke

    To test the Lambda we just run the following command :

    # test the lambda with invoke
    $ make invoke

    The invoke command is used to test the Lambda function exactly like in the web console :

    1. As if we were creating a test event :


    1. And choosing the Amazon S3 Put template :


    The invoke command must be used like :

    $ aws lambda invoke \
        --function-name my-function \
        --payload '{ "name": "Bob" }' \

    The invoke script will :

    # generate the payload for `squirrel.jpg`
    PAYLOAD=$(bash "./scripts/s3-put-payload.sh" uploads/squirrel.jpg)
    # invoke the lambda
    aws lambda invoke \
        --function-name black-white-imagemagick \
        --payload "$PAYLOAD" \
    # download the converted image
    URL=$(jq '.body' --raw-output invoke-output.json)
    curl $URL --output "./squirrel-gray.jpg"

    Our colored image :


    Is now successfully converted :
