Jérôme Decoster

Jérôme Decoster

3x AWS Certified - Architect, Developer, Cloud Practionner

28 Feb 2020

git-flow + github

The Goal
Let’s play with git-flow.

    Check this good cheatsheet.

    Install and setup the project

    Get the code from this github repository :

    • The source code for this project is used to create a clean, ready-to-use docker image.
    # download the code
    $ git clone \
        --depth 1 \
        https://github.com/jeromedecoster/note-git-flow.git \
    # cd
    $ cd /tmp/note
    # docker pull ubuntu + create settings.sh
    $ make setup

    After the setup, we need to define the variables inside the settings.sh file :


    Now we can build the flow docker image with the init.sh and install.sh scripts :

    • Install git, git-flow, curl, zsh, nano, oh-my-zsh
    • Configure git and ~/.netrc
    # build the image
    $ make init

    Now we can create a github repository :


    Note the HTTPS URL :


    Test git-flow

    git-flow in 7 points :

    1. The master branch is the stable branch, ready to be pushed in production.
    2. The develop branch is the branch where we work. With the latest features.
    3. When we want to add a new feature to the development branch, we create a feature.
    4. Each added feature is isolated in a specific branch. Once the development of a functionality is finished, we will merge it in the develop branch.
    5. When the work on the develop branch is finished and valid we will create a release.
    6. A release is also a specific branch.
    7. when we decide to finish the release, it will be merged into the master branch.

    In reality, it is a little more complicated, but the main idea is well summarized in these 7 points. Read the full explanations.


    Let’s start our docker image :

    # run the image
    $ docker run \
        --rm \
        --interactive \
        --tty \
    # you should see the following prompt
    ➜  /tmp 

    Let’s clone the repository we just created on github :

    # replace with your URL
    ➜  /tmp git clone https://github.com/jeromedecoster/git-flow.git
    # cd
    ➜  /tmp cd git-flow 
    ➜  git-flow git:(master) 

    Let’s initialize git flow :

    # initialize git flow
    ➜  git-flow git:(master) git flow init --defaults
    # we are now on the `develop` branch
    ➜  git-flow git:(develop)

    Let’s create a feature :

    # create a feature
    ➜  git-flow git:(develop) git flow feature start feature-1
    # we are now on the `feature/feature-1` branch
    ➜  git-flow git:(feature/feature-1)

    Let’s create and commit some changes :

    ➜  git-flow git:(feature/feature-1) echo '## feature-1\n' >> readme.md
    ➜  git-flow git:(feature/feature-1) ✗ git add --all
    ➜  git-flow git:(feature/feature-1) ✗ git commit --message feature-1

    If our work is completed, we can finish the feature :

    # finish the feature
    ➜  git-flow git:(feature/feature-1) git flow feature finish feature-1
    # we are back on the `develop` branch
    ➜  git-flow git:(develop) 
    # the `feature/feature-1` branch was deleted
    ➜  git-flow git:(develop) git branch
    * develop

    Let’s push the develop branch on github :

    • We use the -u (same as --set-upstream) option because it’s the first time we push this branch.
    # push to github
    ➜  git-flow git:(develop) git push -u origin develop

    It’s online :


    Let’s create and commit another feature :

    # create a feature
    ➜  git-flow git:(develop) git flow feature start feature-2
    # some changes
    ➜  git-flow git:(feature/feature-2) echo '## feature-2\n' >> readme.md
    ➜  git-flow git:(feature/feature-2) ✗ git add --all
    ➜  git-flow git:(feature/feature-2) ✗ git commit --message feature-2
    # finish the feature
    ➜  git-flow git:(feature/feature-2) git flow feature finish feature-2

    Now we can push the develop branch on github with this shorten command :

    ➜  git-flow git:(develop) git push

    It’s online :


    This project is now ready to be shipped, we will create a release :

    # create a release
    ➜  git-flow git:(develop) git flow release start v1.0.0
    # we are on the `release/v1.0.0` branch
    ➜  git-flow git:(release/v1.0.0)

    Let’s create and commit the changelog, then finish the release :

    # some changes
    ➜  git-flow git:(release/v1.0.0) echo '# v1.0.0\n' >> changelog.md
    ➜  git-flow git:(release/v1.0.0) git add --all
    ➜  git-flow git:(release/v1.0.0) git commit --message v1.0.0
    # finish the feature
    ➜  git-flow git:(release/v1.0.0) git flow release finish v1.0.0

    Now we have 3 commit messages to write :

    • For the first message, I leave the default message :


    • For the second message, I write the current message :


    • For the third message, I leave the default message :


    The release is finished, this means :

    • We are now back on the develop branch.
    • The master branch received the previous features.
    • We can push the master branch to github. We push with the long command because it’s the first time.
    # we are back on the `develop` branch
    ➜  git-flow git:(develop)
    # push to github (with -u)
    ➜  git-flow git:(develop) git push -u origin master


    Unfortunately the tag was not put on the github repository :


    We need to execute this command :

    # push all local tags
    ➜  git-flow git:(develop) git push --tags

    This is now done :


    Let’s check the logs :

    ➜  git-flow git:(develop) git log --graph --oneline


    A simplified view :

    ➜  git-flow git:(develop) git log --graph --oneline --first-parent develop
