Jérôme Decoster

Jérôme Decoster

3x AWS Certified - Architect, Developer, Cloud Practionner

11 Apr 2022

Kubernetes + Init Container Pattern + Minikube

The Goal
  • Run a voting application using an express website and redis
  • Run locally using docker images and docker-compose
  • Run locally using minikube
  • Explore the Init Container pattern


    Setup the project

    Get the code from this github repository :

    # download the code
    $ git clone \
        --depth 1 \
        https://github.com/jeromedecoster/k8s-init-container-pattern.git \
    # cd
    $ cd /tmp/note

    The Init Container pattern

    The Init Container pattern is the first of the structural models described in the Bilgin Ibryam and Roland Huß book


    Kubernetes manages pods instead of containers and pods encapsulate containers. A pod may contain one or more containers.

    A pod that contains one container refers to a single container pod and it is the most common kubernetes use case.

    A pod that contains Multiple co-related containers refers to a multi-container pod.

    Init Containers are the containers that should run and complete before the startup of the main container in the pod. It provides a separate lifecycle for the initialization.

    • Init containers always run to completion.
    • It is possible to have 1 or more init containers.
    • Each init container must complete successfully before the next one starts.
    • So, init containers are executed sequentially, one after another.

    In the field of container orchestration, the ability to wait for an initialization phase is essential.

    The initContainers property is therefore part of the syntax of kubernetes manifests :

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: myapp-pod
        app: myapp
      - name: myapp-container
        image: busybox:1.28
        command: # ...
      - name: init-myservice
        image: busybox:1.28
        command: # ...

    Init containers are used to :

    • Wait for a service to be available before launching a container that depends on it
    • Installing software
    • Setup a database
    • Setting permissions on the file system

    Run the projet locally

    The project is a simple voting application. A website that uses a Redis database.


    To test our application we launch redis via a docker image :

    # run redis alpine docker image
    $ make redis
    1:C # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
        # ...
    1:M # * Ready to accept connections

    This command executes this script :

    $ docker run \
        --rm \
        --name redis \
        --publish 6379:6379 \

    We will interact with redis in a new terminal window :

    # connect to redis container
    $ CONTAINER_ID=$(docker ps --filter name=redis --format {{.ID}} | head -n 1)
    $ docker exec -ti $CONTAINER_ID /bin/sh
    /data # redis-cli KEYS '*'
    (empty array)
    /data # redis-cli incr up
    (integer) 1
    /data # redis-cli KEYS '*'
    1) "up"
    /data # redis-cli --raw get up
    /data # exit
    # close redis container
    docker rm --force $CONTAINER_ID

    Test the website in development mode (without redis)

    Make sure Redis isn’t already running by closing all previous instances.

    We will test the website without Redis being active.

    # run local website using npm - dev mode (livereload + nodemon)
    $ make npm

    The site launches with a connection error :

    env.NODE_ENV: development
    env.WEBSITE_PORT: 3000
    listening on port 3000
    [ioredis] Unhandled error event: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
        at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1158:16)

    This error is generated by trying to connect to the Redis instance :

    const REDIS_HOST = process.env.REDIS_HOST || 'redis'
    // ...
    const redis = new Redis({
        port: 6379,
        host: REDIS_HOST

    You can end the process with Ctrl+C

    Test the website in development mode (with redis)

    We will now launch the applications in the correct order, via different terminal windows :

    # run redis alpine docker image
    $ make redis
    # run local website using npm - dev mode (livereload + nodemon)
    $ make npm

    The output is :

    env.NODE_ENV: development
    env.WEBSITE_PORT: 3000
    listening on port 3000

    We open http://localhost:3000


    The test is conclusive. Both processes can be terminated.

    Local test with docker-compose

    Before testing in minikube, it’s a good idea to use docker-compose to orchestrate the containers that make up the application locally. It’s a good step.

    The docker-compose.yml file is quite simple :

          context: ./vote
          dockerfile: Dockerfile.dev
            - NODE_ENV=development
            - WEBSITE_PORT=4000
          - "./vote:/app"
          - "4000:4000"
          - "35729:35729"
          - backend
          - redis
        image: redis:alpine
          - "6379:6379"
          - backend
      backend: {}

    We execute the following command :

    # run the project using docker-compose (same as redis + npm)
    $ make compose-dev

    This command runs this script :

    $ export COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=k8s_init_container
    $ docker-compose \
        --file docker-compose.dev.yml \
        up \
        --remove-orphans \
        --force-recreate \
        --build \

    The output is :

    redis_1  | 1:C 31 Mar 2022 08:25:22.753 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
    redis_1  | 1:C 31 Mar 2022 08:25:22.753 # Redis version=6.2.6, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started
    # ...
    vote_1   | env.NODE_ENV: development
    vote_1   | env.WEBSITE_PORT: 4000
    vote_1   | env.REDIS_HOST: undefined
    vote_1   | listening on port 4000

    We open http://localhost:4000


    The test is conclusive. We can complete the process.

    Using mikinube

    We start minikube :

    $ minikube start --driver=docker

    If minikube won’t start with a PROVIDER_DOCKER_NOT_RUNNING error or another error, try a hard reset :

    $ minikube delete -p minikube

    We check the context :

    $ kubectl config current-context

    We launch the Kubernetes dashboard in a new terminal window :

    # new terminal window
    $ minikube dashboard


    To be able to use our local docker images within minikube it is imperative to :

    1. Target the local docker registry
    2. Rebuild the docker images in this registry
    3. use the imagePullPolicy: Never attribute in kubernetes manifests
    # 1. target the local docker registry
    $ eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
    # 2. rebuild the docker images in this registry
    # /!\ must be in the same terminal window than previous command
    $ make docker-build
    # ...
    Successfully tagged site:latest

    The attribute is visible below :

        - name: vote
        image: site:latest
        - name: REDIS_HOST
            value: "redis-svc"
        - containerPort: 3000
            name: vote 
        # 3. use the attribute
        imagePullPolicy: Never

    We create the kubernetes namespace with the ns.yaml template :

    $ kubectl apply -f k8s/ns.yaml
    namespace/k8s-init-container created


    We launch the vote application with the vote.yaml template :

    $ kubectl apply -f k8s/vote.yaml
    deployment.apps/vote created
    service/vote-svc created

    Note that the Redis instance has not been started.

    We can query the init-vote container logs :

    $ kubectl logs -l app=vote -c init-vote -n k8s-init-container
    nc: bad address 'redis-svc'
    Waiting for redis-svc

    The init-vote container is a busybox that runs a shell script that loops until the redis service is available :

        - name: init-vote
        image: busybox:latest
        command: ['sh', '-c', 'until nc -vz redis-svc 6379 ; do echo "Waiting for redis-svc"; sleep 1; done;']

    The current status shown in the Replica Sets panel :


    In a new terminal window we connect within the cluster via another busybox :

    $ kubectl run -i --tty --rm busybox \
        --image=busybox \
        --namespace=k8s-init-container \
        --restart=Never \
        -- sh

    The current status shown in the Pods panel :


    We will query the state of the vote-svc service from our busybox :


    We can use nc :

    / nc -vz vote-svc 9000
    # processus completed but nothing is returned

    Nothing is returned but the processus is completed

    If we test a bad name, we received an error :

    / nc -vz vote-something 9000
    nc: bad address 'vote-something'

    If we test a bad port, we received nothing :

    / nc -vz vote-svc 90
    # processus not completed ... waiting

    Nothing is returned and the processus is not completed

    We can use nslookup :

    / nslookup -type=srv vote-svc.k8s-init-container.svc.cluster.local
    vote-svc.k8s-init-container.svc.cluster.local   service = 0 100 9000 vote-svc.k8s-init-container.svc.cluster.local

    If we test a bad name, we received :

    / nslookup -type=srv vote-something.k8s-init-container.svc.cluster.local
    ** server cant find vote-something.k8s-init-container.svc.cluster.local: NXDOMAIN

    In a new terminal window we now launch the redis instance with the redis.yaml template :

    $ kubectl apply -f k8s/redis.yaml

    We test the service with nc :

    / nc -vz redis-svc 6379
    redis-svc ( open

    Or with nslookup :

    / # nslookup -type=srv redis-svc.k8s-init-container.svc.cluster.local
    redis-svc.k8s-init-container.svc.cluster.local  service = 0 100 6379 redis-svc.k8s-init-container.svc.cluster.local

    To test our site we search the access URL via the following command :

    $ minikube service list
    |      NAMESPACE       |           NAME            | TARGET PORT  |            URL            |
    | default              | kubernetes                | No node port |                           |
    | k8s-init-container   | redis-svc                 | No node port |                           |
    | k8s-init-container   | vote-svc                  |         9000 | |
    | kube-system          | kube-dns                  | No node port |                           |
    | kubernetes-dashboard | dashboard-metrics-scraper | No node port |                           |
    | kubernetes-dashboard | kubernetes-dashboard      | No node port |                           |

    It is possible to use get it directly like this :

    $ minikube service --url vote-svc --namespace k8s-init-container

    By opening the URL we see that the website is working correctly :


    The demonstration is over, we can destroy our resources.