Jérôme Decoster

Jérôme Decoster

3x AWS Certified - Architect, Developer, Cloud Practionner

22 Nov 2021

CDK + CDKTF + Lambda + DynamoDB

Creating API Gateway, Lambda and DynamoDB with CDK and CDKTF.
26 Oct 2021

EC2 + Ansible + AWS CLI

Creating EC2 instances with AWS CLI. Uptading them with Ansible.
05 Jul 2021

Kubernetes + EKS + Canary Deployment

Testing Kubernetes Canary Deployment on EKS.
10 Jun 2021

Kubernetes + EKS + Blue/Green Deployment

Testing Kubernetes Blue/Green Deployment on EKS.
10 Mar 2021

Gitlab + ECS + Terraform

Using Gitlab CI/CD to automatically build and push a new docker image on ECR and deploy it to ECS.
18 Feb 2021

Lambda + Terraform + Github Actions

Building a continuous deployment for Lambda functions in a multi-stage environment.
12 Oct 2020

Rabbitmq : publish, consume, cluster

Playing with RabbitMQ. Publish and consume messages. Using RabbitMQ in single or cluster mode.
05 Oct 2020

EKS + Prometheus + Grafana

Install Prometheus and Grafana on Kubernetes. Perform a CPU stress test to see the evolution of Prometheus metrics and Kubernetes autoscaling.
24 Sep 2020

Prometheus + Grafana + Node

Playing with Prometheus and Grafana. Testing Node Exporter, Alertmanager and Slack notifications.
11 Sep 2020

Kubernetes + EKS + Github Actions

Creation of a website, hosted on a Kubernetes cluster. Use Kubectl, Kustomize and Github actions to deploy it in a GitOps way.
01 Sep 2020

Kubernetes + EKS + Docker + Node

Creation of a web application to convert images to black and white. 3 microservices orchestrated by Docker-Compose locally and by Kubernetes on AWS.
07 Jul 2020

Github Actions + Hugo + Terraform + S3

Creation of a static website with Hugo. Host it on S3 with CloudFront. Use Terraform and Github actions to deploy it in a GitOps way.
25 Jun 2020

Github Actions + ECR + ECS

Using Github actions to automatically build and push a new docker image on ECR and deploy it to ECS.
19 Jun 2020

ECS + Service Discovery + Node + Redis

Create 2 services on ECS linked by Service Discovery using Terraform.
15 Jun 2020

ECS + Load Balancer + Node + Terraform

Get metadata task. Scale tasks behind a Load balancer using ecs-cli or Terraform.